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Re: Generating Two Unit Orthogonal Vectors to a 3D Vector

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg36387] Re: Generating Two Unit Orthogonal Vectors to a 3D Vector
  • From: Tom Burton <tburton at>
  • Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2002 02:56:45 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <al1i1d$kra$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

On 9/2/02 10:36 PM, in article al1i1d$kra$1 at, "Ingolf Dahl"
<f9aid at> wrote:

> OrthogonalUnitVectors[v:{_,_,_}]:=(Needs["LinearAlgebra`Orthogonalization`"]
> ;
>   Map[LinearAlgebra`Orthogonalization`Normalize,
>     NullSpace[{v,{0,0,0},{0,0,0}}]])
> One problem with any solution is that it should never be possible to obtain
> the two output vectors as continuous functions of the input vector, since
> that would be equivalent to the combing of a hedgehog in a vortexfree way.

NullSpace is fast, but LinearAlgebra`Orthogonalization`Normalize is slow. So
if you care about speed, perhaps #/Sqrt[#.#]& is better.

I don't know hedgehogs, but if I visualize a fur-covered ball, then I can
see as how a continuous solution is not possible everywhere. In that case, I
might like to control the discontinuity. NullSpace create a curve on
discontinuities on the unit sphere (a vortex curve, if you will). Try, e.g.,

ContourPlot[{v, w} = NullSpace[{{y, .3, x}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}}];  v[[3]],
{x, -1, 1}, {y, -1, 1}, PlotPoints -> 100]

It's not obvious to me where this curve is going to be.  A nice feature of
the following simple scheme,

triad[u_, r_:{1, 0, 0}] := Module[{v = Cross[u, r]},   #/Sqrt[# . #] &  /@
{u, v, Cross[u, v]}]

is that you know that the two points of discontinuity are where r and -r
cross the unit sphere. triad is slow, but if you commit to a particular r
and then evaluate and simplify,


the resulting expression evaluates pretty fast for specific numerical

Tom Burton

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