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Re: Interactive .nb works, but converted .nbp fails

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg101726] Re: Interactive .nb works, but converted .nbp fails
  • From: "Sjoerd C. de Vries" <sjoerd.c.devries at>
  • Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2009 07:10:59 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <h3hoc1$4mc$>

The code you posted doesn't work in Mathematica as it is. Only after
removing the ControlBlock stuff does it run OK.

In that case, the nbp-converted file runs OK as well.

Cheers -- Sjoerd

On Jul 14, 12:58 pm, Porscha Louise McRobbie <pmcro... at>
> Dear Group,
> I have an animated contour plot inside of a Manipulate command
> (below), which seems to work fine inside my .nb file (v., Mac
> OSX x86).  I then copy/paste the interactive part into a new .nb, and
> convert it to .nbp (using Wolfram Online Conversion). When the .nbp
> file is opened with Mathematica Player 7, I see a pink box and MANY
> errors such as Transpose::nmtx, Set::shape, Sort::normal,
> First::normal, MapThread::mptd, MapThread::list, etc.
> How is it possible for the .nb to work fine, but the .nbp to have so
> many errors? I've converted many other similar animations/interactive
> notebooks and opened them inside Player with no problems.
> Does the use of so many delayed assignments in the code cause problems
> for the conversion?
> Thanks for any help,
> Porscha
> -----------------------------------------------------
> DynamicModule[{w, A0, a, A, dx, xt, pt, Psi, anima, x0, p0, tf,wig, x, p,=
>   w = 1; a = w/2; tf = 30;
>   A[t_, A0_] :=
>    a ((A0 Cos[w t] + I a Sin[w t])/(I A0 Sin[w t] + a Cos[w t]));
>   xt[t_, x0_, p0_] := x0 Cos[w t] + p0/w Sin[w t];
>   pt[t_, x0_, p0_] := p0 Cos[w t] - w x0 Sin[w t];
>   wig[x_, p_, x0_, p0_, A0_, t_] :=
>    1./Pi Exp[-(2 Abs[A[t, A0]]^2 (x - xt[t, x0, p0])^2 + (p -
>             pt[t, x0, p0])^2 +
>          2 Im[A[t, A0]] (x - xt[t, x0, p0]) (p - pt[t, x0, p0])=
>       Re[A[t, A0]]];
>   anima[x_, p_, x0_, p0_, A0_] :=
>    Animate[
>     ContourPlot[wig[x, p, x0, p0, a A0 , t], {x, -4, 4}, {p, -4, 4},
>      PlotRange -> {0, .35}, Mesh -> False, ColorFunction -> "Rainbo=
>      PerformanceGoal -> "Quality"],
>     {{t, .0001, Style["Time", Bold, 14]}, 0.0001, tf},
>     AnimationRunning -> False, RefreshRate -> 4,
>     AnimationRate -> .75];
>   Manipulate[anima[x, p, x0, p0, A0],
>     Experimental`ControlBlock[
>     Style["Initial wavepacket width", Bold, 14],
>     {A0, 0.5, 2., Appearance -> "Labeled", ImageSize -> Small}],
>      Experimental`ControlBlock[Style["Initial Conditions", Bold, 14=
>      {x0, -1, 2, Appearance -> "Labeled",
>      ImageSize -> Small}, {p0, -.5, 2.5, Appearance -> "Labeled",
>      ImageSize -> Small} ],
>    ControlPlacement -> Left, SaveDefinitions -> True]]

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