MathGroup Archive 2009

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Re: Manipulate + ListPlot3D +...

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg99249] Re: Manipulate + ListPlot3D +...
  • From: Ossama Kullie <okullie at>
  • Date: Fri, 1 May 2009 05:19:55 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <gt90ng$l49$>

Thank you a lot for all your suggestions,

I think the following seems ok ?


    Show[ListPointPlot3D[LuF3Csa[1.9745, \[Alpha]],
      PlotStyle -> {AbsolutePointSize[15]},
      ColorFunction -> Function[{x, y, z}, Hue[x]],
      AxesOrigin -> {0, 0, 0}],
     ListPlot3D[{LuF3Csa[1.9745, \[Alpha]],
       Table[{x, 0, z}, {x, -1, 2}, {z, -1, 0}]}, MeshStyle -> Yellow,
      Axes -> True, Boxed -> True, PlotRangePadding -> None,
      PlotRange -> All]], {\[Alpha], 100 (Pi/180), (2 Pi/3)},
    Control[{\[Alpha], Table[n*(Pi/180), {n, 100, 120, 5}]}]],
   Button["Close", NotebookClose[]]}, WindowSize -> {700, 700}]

   Best Regards,
    Ossama kullie

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