Re: Manipulate Using Listplot
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg99280] Re: [mg99250] Manipulate Using Listplot
- From: "David Park" <djmpark at>
- Date: Sat, 2 May 2009 05:55:13 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <7225781.1241171156021.JavaMail.root@n11>
Here is one method that dispenses with both ListPlot and Manipulate and builds the graphic directly. The routine, element, defines how each value will be represented. v1 = Table[Random[], {50}]; v2 = Table[Random[], {50}]; element[points_][i_] := Module[{val = Part[points, i], color, marker}, If[val >= 0, color = Green; marker = Style["+", Medium], color = Red; marker = Style["-", Medium]]; {color, Line[{{i, 0}, {i, val}}], Black, Text[marker, {i, val}]}]; Module[ {a = .0, b = .0, pointvals, calcAll, i}, calcAll[c1_, c2_] := (pointvals = c1 v1 + c2 v2); calcAll[a, b]; Column[ {Row[{"Param 1 ", Slider[Dynamic[a, (a = #; calcAll[a, b]) &], {-.1, .1, .01}, Appearance -> "Labeled"]}], Row[{"Param 2 ", Slider[Dynamic[b, (b = #; calcAll[a, b]) &], {-.1, .1, .01}, Appearance -> "Labeled"]}], Dynamic@ Graphics[{ Table[element[pointvals][i], {i, 1, 50}]}, AspectRatio -> 1/GoldenRatio, Axes -> True, PlotRange -> {-.15, .15}, ImageSize -> 450]}](* Column *) ] David Park djmpark at From: Richard Palmer [mailto:rhpalmer at] Here is some sample code that uses Manipulate with ListPlot v1 = Table[Random[], {50}]; v2 = Table[Random[], {50}]; fn[a_, b_] := a v1 + b v2 f[n_] := If[n >= 0, "+", "-"] Manipulate[ ListPlot[fn[a, b], Filling -> Axis, PlotRange -> {-.15, .15}, PlotMarkers -> {Automatic, Medium}, FillingStyle -> {Red, Green}], {{a, 0, "Param 1"}, -.1, .1, .01, Appearance -> "Labeled"}, {{b, 0, "Param 2"}, -.1, .1, .01, Appearance -> "Labeled"}] I would like to do things with the markers {color differently when positive, change to "+" when positive, use labels rather than "dots", ...} Is this possible? Are there some simple examples of this. Have not been able to find in the documentation. -- Richard Palmer Home 508 877-3862 Cell 508 982-7266