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Re: Re: saving initialization cells as a .m file

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg99859] Re: [mg99837] Re: saving initialization cells as a .m file
  • From: Baris Altunkaynak <fractaldimension at>
  • Date: Sat, 16 May 2009 05:22:07 -0400 (EDT)

Hi thank you for your response, I actually copied this from a working notebook. I used Ctrl+^ Esc dg Esc to get the dagger symbol and when I copy and paste it in the email it becomes this. Also in the .m file it looks the sam e way. So I guess that's why it doesn't work.  Is there anyway to do this without typing the full function name? I want to keep the notation because I have really really long equations to enter which I would like to finally convert to a .m file and the notation is the most important thing for me.  best regards, Baris

     --- On Fri, 5/15/09, dh <dh at> wrote:  >
From: dh <dh at 
Subject: [mg99859] [mg99837] Re: saving initialization cells as a .m file 
To: mathgroup at 
Date: Friday, May 15, 2009, 6:26 AM

Hi Baris,
f[t]= ^\[Dagger] does not apply SuperDagger. 
You would have to say SuperDagger[f[t]] 

Baris Altunkaynak wrote: 
I have the following code which runs fine in a 
SuperDagger[A_List] := Conjugate[Transpose[A]] 
eqn = {f'[t] == -f[t]^\[Dagger].f[t], f[0] == 
RandomReal[{0, 0.1}, {3, 3}]}; 
NDSolve[eqn, f, {t, 0, 10}] 
but when I save the first two lines (definition of  
SuperDagger and eqn) in a .m file and load them with a Get 
command, although Mathematica loads the definitions, NDSolve  
doesn't like the input and complains that derivative at t=0 
is not defined. Weirdly if I copy and paste the output of 
NDSolve and evaluate it, it runs fine. Do you know how can I 
fix this? 
best regards, 
Baris Altunkaynak 

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