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trying to "install" a palette...

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg99884] trying to "install" a palette...
  • From: "wb at" <wb at>
  • Date: Mon, 18 May 2009 02:31:54 -0400 (EDT)

 Button["Delete Output", FrontEndTokenExecute["DeleteGeneratedCells"];

When the above code is executed inside a notebook, a palette is created on the desktop that works (I still have to select "yes", that I want to delete the cells for some reason). 

But now I'd like to have this pallete come up when I start M7. The only help I get from Wolfram says I need to "install palette" (that's all the detail I get). Since the Palette menu under install gives the Clipboard as a source, I tried that (after copying the above code into the Clipboard). Nothing happens if I select "your user Mathematica base directory" but if I select "System-wide Mathematica directory", the window closes.

Since I see no palette anywhere, I shut down and restart M7, still nothing.

I put the above code in a file and saved it as xx.nb. I tried using that as a source, same thing happens, no palette gets installed immediately or when I restart.

I've about run out of things to try. Can someone please give me a hint on how to install a palette -- or point me to some insructions? I simply can't find any help in my Wolfram HELP system. 

I'm using Win XP, M7.01.  Thanks.

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