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Re: trying to "install" a palette...

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg99904] Re: trying to "install" a palette...
  • From: Bob F <deepyogurt at>
  • Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 06:43:02 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <guqvd2$a98$>

On May 18, 12:32 am, "w... at" <w... at>
> CreatePalette[
>  Button["Delete Output", FrontEndTokenExecute["DeleteGeneratedCells"];
>    FrontEndTokenExecute["Save"]]]
> When the above code is executed inside a notebook, a palette is created o=
n the desktop that works (I still have to select "yes", that I want to dele=
te the cells for some reason).
> But now I'd like to have this pallete come up when I start M7. The only h=
elp I get from Wolfram says I need to "install palette" (that's all the det=
ail I get). Since the Palette menu under install gives the Clipboard as a s=
ource, I tried that (after copying the above code into the Clipboard). Noth=
ing happens if I select "your user Mathematica base directory" but if I sel=
ect "System-wide Mathematica directory", the window closes.
> Since I see no palette anywhere, I shut down and restart M7, still nothin=
> I put the above code in a file and saved it as xx.nb. I tried using that =
as a source, same thing happens, no palette gets installed immediately or w=
hen I restart.
> I've about run out of things to try. Can someone please give me a hint on=
 how to install a palette -- or point me to some insructions? I simply can'=
t find any help in my Wolfram HELP system.
> I'm using Win XP, M7.01.  Thanks.

On a Mac you click on the "Palette/Install Palette" (after you have
run the code above in your example), select which palette to install
then give it a name and click on either of the "User Base" or "System
Base" locations to save it, and then click on Finish. Then from the
Palette menu you should now have the new palette in the list of
available choices, so select the name and it should now appear with
the correct name you gave it (the other one has a name of untitled-x
which you can now close). Then restarting Mathematica the palette
should now be started automatically along with any others you had.


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