Re: multiple outputs from compiled function
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg114387] Re: multiple outputs from compiled function
- From: Oliver Ruebenkoenig <ruebenko at>
- Date: Thu, 2 Dec 2010 05:43:51 -0500 (EST)
Hi Eric, On Tue, 30 Nov 2010, Eric Michielssen wrote: > Thanks for the suggestion. most welcome. > > I was thinking more about a routine that populates a huge sparse matrix, say > for finite element analysis. SparseArray does not work within Compile, and > that's understandable. > > So the next best thing would be to have a compiled function generate a long > list of positions ( pos = {pos1,pos2,pos3...} with posi = {n1,n2} ) and a > list of values ( val = {val1,val2,val3,...} ), and then construct the > SparseArray externally to a compiled function. > > But how do I get my compiled function to return both pos and val? Upon You don not. Let me show you why. > reaching Return[{pos,val}], Mathematica reverts to the noncompiled function, > in essence starting over from scratch. (I can only think of a few not so > elegant solutions, none of which would apply in situations more complex than > the above). > First you might find this link interesting: (*Some setup:*) $HistoryLength = 0; On["Packing"] pack = Developer`ToPackedArray; packedQ = Developer`PackedArrayQ; (*OK, lets create an example mesh. For this we use the new TetGenLink:*) Needs["TetGenLink`"] pts = {{0., 0., 0.}, {10., 0., 0.}, {10., 2., 0.}, {0., 2., 0.}, {0., 0., 1.}, {10., 0., 1.}, {10., 2., 1.}, {0., 2., 1.}}; facets = {{{1, 2, 3, 4}}, {{5, 6, 7, 8}}, {{1, 2, 6, 5}}, {{2, 3, 7, 6}}, {{3, 4, 8, 7}}, {{4, 1, 5, 8}}}; inInst = TetGenCreate[]; TetGenSetPoints[inInst, pts]; TetGenSetFacets[inInst, facets]; (* to get more elements use: "pqa0.000075" *) outInst = TetGenTetrahedralize[inInst, "pqa0.075"]; coords = TetGenGetPoints[outInst]; surface = TetGenGetFaces[outInst]; meshElements = TetGenGetElements[outInst]; dofs = Length[coords] Length[meshElements] (* visualize *) TetrahedraWireframe[i_] := Line[ Join @@ (i[[All, #]] & /@ {{1, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 1}, {1, 4}, {2, 4}, {3, 4}})] Graphics3D[GraphicsComplex[coords, TetrahedraWireframe[meshElements]], Boxed -> False] (* find position of Dirichlet values *) diriPos1 = Flatten[ pack[ Position[ coords[[All, 1]], _?(Function[xCoord, xCoord <= 0.]), {1}, Heads -> False ]]]; diriPos2 = Flatten[ pack[ Position[ coords[[All, 1]], _?(Function[xCoord, xCoord >= 10.]), {1}, Heads -> False ]]]; diriPos = Join[ diriPos1, diriPos2]; diriVals = Join[ ConstantArray[ 1., {Length[ diriPos1]}], ConstantArray[ 0., {Length[ diriPos2]}]]; (* visualize *) Show[ { Graphics3D[GraphicsComplex[coords, Polygon[surface]]], Graphics3D[ { {Red, PointSize[0.02], Point[ coords[[diriPos1]]]}, {Blue, PointSize[0.02], Point[ coords[[diriPos2]]]}}] }, Boxed -> False] (* symbolically precompute a FEM diffusion kernel and inject in compile *) tmp = Join[ {{1, 1, 1, 1}}, Transpose[ Quiet[Array[Part[var, ##] &, {4, 3}]]]]; me = {{0, 0, 0}, {1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}}; p = Inverse[ tmp].me; help = Transpose[ (p.Transpose[p])*Abs[Det[ tmp]]/6 ]; femk = With[{code = help}, Compile[{{coords, _Real, 2}, {incidents, _Integer, 1}}, Block[{var}, var = coords[[incidents]]; code ], RuntimeAttributes -> Listable, CompilationTarget -> "C"]]; (* compute the local elements. - note just the elements. we do the positions later. For fun, you may want to scale the number of elements later *) AbsoluteTiming[ localElements = femk[coords, meshElements]; ] packedQ[localElements] (* this is the function to assemble the local elements into a sparse array *) matrixAssembly[ values_, pos_, dim_] := Block[{matrix}, System`SetSystemOptions[ "SparseArrayOptions" -> {"TreatRepeatedEntries" -> 1}]; matrix = SparseArray[ pos -> Flatten[ values], dim]; System`SetSystemOptions[ "SparseArrayOptions" -> {"TreatRepeatedEntries" -> 0}]; Return[ matrix]] (* "TreatRepeatedEntries" does the following. If during the SparseArray creation duplicate positions are found such {1,1}->1 and {1,1}->2, the values are added and you'll find the content to be {1,1}->3 *) (* now the positions: The reason to compute the position independent from the elements is to save them for later. Consider this, if you want to assemble a mass matrix the entries will be at exactly the same positions as in the stiffness matrix, just different values. This is quite efficient. *) AbsoluteTiming[ pos = Flatten[ Map[ Outer[ List, #, #] &, meshElements], 2]; ] (*assemble the system*) AbsoluteTiming[ stiffness = matrixAssembly[ localElements, pos, dofs ] ] (*now for the Dirichlet conditions, we need something to pass the stiffness by reference and modify that matrix directly, you can do so*) SetAttributes[dirichletBoundary, HoldFirst] dirichletBoundary[ {load_, matrix_}, fPos_List, fValue_List] := Block[{}, load -= matrix[[All, fPos]].fValue; load[[fPos]] = fValue; matrix[[All, fPos]] = matrix[[fPos, All]] = 0.; Transpose[ {fPos, fPos}] -> ConstantArray[ 1., {Length[ fPos]}]; matrix += SparseArray[ Transpose[ {fPos, fPos}] -> ConstantArray[ 1., {Length[ fPos]}], Dimensions[ matrix], 0]; ] load = Table[ 0., {dofs}]; dirichletBoundary[{load, stiffness}, diriPos, diriVals] (* dirichletBoundary returns Null and operates on stiffness and load directly *) (* solve with a direct solver *) AbsoluteTiming[ solution = LinearSolve[ stiffness, load]; ] (* visualize *) Graphics3D[{EdgeForm[], GraphicsComplex[ coords, Polygon[ surface ], VertexColors -> (ColorData["TemperatureMap"][#] & /@ solution) ]}, Boxed -> False, Background -> Gray ] I hope this helps to get you FEM code going. Oliver > Eric > > -----Original Message----- > From: Oliver Ruebenkoenig [mailto:ruebenko at] > Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 2010 6:24 AM > To: mathgroup at > Subject: [mg114315] Re: multiple outputs from compiled function > > On Tue, 30 Nov 2010, Eric Michielssen wrote: > >> I have a compiled function that internally generates 10 large lists (list1 >> though list10), all of different ranks and sizes. Problem is that a > compiled >> function can only return one packed array, so returning them to the main >> code is an issue. Of course, I could combine/pack all these lists into one >> list by Flatten[list1,...,list10], return the new structure, and then > unpack >> it in the main code. Is there a less cumbersome way of doing this? >> >> Eric Michielssen >> >> >> >> > Eric, > > Here are some thoughts: > > It is correct that compile can only work with rectangular tensors. See the > following: > > f = Compile[{{t1, _Real, 2}, {t2, _Real, 2}}, Join[t1, t2]] > > f[RandomReal[{0, 1}, {2, 2}], RandomReal[{0, 1}, {2, 1}]] > > compared to: > > f[RandomReal[{0, 1}, {2, 2}], RandomReal[{0, 1}, {2, 2}]] > > But if the result of the base CompiledFunction is a list, and the list > results come out different lengths, it returns a list of PackedArrays, > > cf = Compile[{{x, _Real}, {n, _Integer}}, > Module[{y = 1.}, Table[y = (y + x/y)/2, {n}]], > RuntimeAttributes -> Listable]; > > res = cf[{2., 3.}, {3, 2}] > > {Developer`PackedArrayQ[res], Map[Developer`PackedArrayQ, res]} > > resp = cf[{2., 3.}, 3] > > Developer`PackedArrayQ[resp] > > What do exactly in your case depends on the code. > > Hope this helps, > Oliver > >