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need help with CUDA setup on my MacBook Pro

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg114813] need help with CUDA setup on my MacBook Pro
  • From: Stefan Wolfrum <metawops at>
  • Date: Fri, 17 Dec 2010 23:48:19 -0500 (EST)

Hi all,

my MacBook Pro (MBP) is running OS X 10.6.5 and Mathematica Home
Edition (32bit).
It's a MBP with two graphics chips: an Nvidia GeForce 9400M and a 9600M
GT -- the latter one is listed as a support chipset for Mathematica's
CUDA functionality. I activated the 9600M GT chip and verified that
it's the currently used one.
I, too, downloaded and installed Nvidia's CUDA driver.
However, I still get "False" from the CUDAQ[] query.
I thought that's because of the missing CUDA Ressources so I tried

In[17]:= CUDAResourcesInstall[]

but I immediately got

Out[17]= $Failed

Mathematica never even tried to download that from it's paclet server
-- despite the fact that I allowed Mathematica to access the Internet
in the settings.

So I downloaded the paclet manually (which worked).

However, on a Mac, the downloaded file ends in .zip:

Now I tried several different variations of the path to this paclet in
the CUDAResourcesInstall command:
- gave it the full path including the zip filename
- unpacked the zip file, got a folder "CUDAResources-OSX-"
(without the ".paclet"), and used the path to this folder
- just removed the ".zip" suffix from the downloaded file and gave
CUDAResources-OSX- as parameter

.... but none worked. :-(

The "best" I got (with the last variation mentioned above) was this:


             Message::name :  "Message name "CUDAResources paclet path
`1` is not valid." is not of the form symbol::name or
Out[14]= $Failed

Any help on how I can install this paclet?
And why doesn't the normal (automatic) installation via
CUDAResourcesInstall[] work???

Thanks a lot!

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