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Re: Latex, Mathematica, and journals

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg109789] Re: Latex, Mathematica, and journals
  • From: gekko <pfalloon at>
  • Date: Tue, 18 May 2010 02:00:25 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <hsr89a$bdi$>

On May 17, 9:11 pm, Laszlo Sturmann <lsch... at> wrote:
> S. B. Gray wrote:
> > Can anyone tell me why there is no WYSIWYG interface for Latex?
> > Any time I want to publish a paper I have to relearn it again, since I
> > publish rarely.
> > I would gladly use MS Word if the math journals would accept it.
> > And is there any movement to accepting Mathematica output, properly for=
> > Steve Gray
> I find WinEDT ( extremely useful in writing papers.
> LS

If you want to stay close to your Mathematica roots, you may want to
check out Publicon. This is a WRI product designed specifically for
producing high quality documents. It also offers pretty decent LaTeX
output, and has stylesheets corresponding to the major journals (e.g.
RevTeX for the Physical Review journals). It also "plays nice" with
Mathematica, so cutting and pasting formulas and graphics is all

Personally, I don't really rate any of the WYSIWYG TeX editors -- and
I find it wasteful having to grapple with all the idiosyncracies of
yet another editor. My (current) solution is to use Mathematica to
produce a high quality draft, which is batted around among co-authors.
Finally, when we're ready to submit, I'll roll up my sleeves and
transcribe to LaTeX. I find this actually takes less time overall
(even if the transcription stage isn't much fun).

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