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Re: Remove points from InterpolatingFunction

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg109791] Re: Remove points from InterpolatingFunction
  • From: "Ingolf Dahl" <ingolf.dahl at>
  • Date: Tue, 18 May 2010 02:00:47 -0400 (EDT)

Hi Frank,
To me it is not completely clear what you are trying to achieve. 
Either you could remove some of the control points for the definition of the
interpolation function. Mathematica can give you an interpolation function
in this case also, in the one-dimensional case. This function can of course
become very imprecise in the empty interval.
Or you might want to redefine the function in the unsure interval, and
replace it by something else. Then you maybe could add some extra control
points in the small interval? It depends on your problem what is suitable
and allowed.
With an already defined InterpolationFunction, you might check the structure
by looking at the FullForm of it, and make some surgery on that, bur that
sounds not as the easiest way.

Best regards

Ingolf Dahl
ingolf.dahl at

-----Original Message-----
From: Frank Breitling [mailto:fbreitling at] 
Sent: den 17 maj 2010 13:11
To: mathgroup at
Subject: [mg109791] [mg109778] Remove points from InterpolatingFunction


I have an interpolating function with a small interval of low accuracy.
Therefore I would like to remove all points in this interval.
I already tried to overwrite the interval using Piecewise and Condition
(/;). However a so defined function causes problems in my later
calculations due to its higher complexity.
Therefore I would like to keep the original InterpolatingFuction and
only remove the problematic points.

How can I do this?

Kind regards


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