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Re: ProgressIndicator inside DynamicModule

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg109842] Re: ProgressIndicator inside DynamicModule
  • From: Patrick Scheibe <pscheibe at>
  • Date: Wed, 19 May 2010 20:13:46 -0400 (EDT)


but when it's just for showing progress of a calculation and not for
dynamically changing input and displaying the result, why don't you use
some simple construct like

count == 1;
input == RandomReal[{1, 50}, 5000];
ProgressIndicator[Dynamic[count], {1, Length[input]}]
complexFunc[x_] :== Nest[BesselJ[0, #] &, x, 20];
Do[(count++; complexFunc[input[[i]]]), {i, 1, Length[input]}]

What exactly is the reason to use a DynamicModule?

The problem in the construct with the DynamicModule and the Do-Loop 
seems to be the reason that DynamicModule *needs* to display something 
which should be updated dynamically. John Fultz gave already some very 
exhaustive insights, how this works and what doesn't work. Maybe you 
want to read this here


Am May 19, 2010 um 3:06 PM schrieb Istv=E1n Zachar:

> Dear Patrick,
> Thanks for the help, but the problem is not solved.
> First of all, I did not state the problem is in the 
> ProgressIndicator. I rather suggested that DynamicModule is the 
> cause of 'misfunctioning'.
> Furthermore, your solution does not solve anything. My toy model 
> represented a more complex situation, where I have an iterative 
> function (a modified NDSolve, represented here with the Do loop), 
> for which I want to check on the progress via a similar construct as 
> StepMonitor. Thus you have thrown out the baby with the water by 
> just retaining pr++.
> If I rewrite your version to mirror my issue, I end up with 
> something like this:
> DynamicModule[{pr == 0, range == {0, 100}, sw == False}, Grid@{{
>     Button["Push me", sw == Not[sw]; pr == 0;],
>     Dynamic@ProgressIndicator[Dynamic@pr, range],
>     Dynamic@If[sw, Do[Pause[0.02]; pr == i, {i, range[[1]], 
> range[[2]]}]; pr],
>     Dynamic@Switch[sw, True, "Calculating...", False, "Finished."]
>     }}]
> which AGAIN won't produce the correct behaviour for ProgressIndicator.
> Any other idea?
> On 2010.05.19. 14:04, Patrick Scheibe wrote:
> Hi,
> the problem is *not* the progress indicator but your button!
> The button-function does not update dynamically the values.
> What about:
> DynamicModule[{pr == 0, range == {0, 100}, sw == False}, Grid@{
>    {Button["Push me", sw == Not[sw]],
>     Dynamic@ProgressIndicator[Dynamic@pr, range],
>     Dynamic@If[sw && pr < Last@range, Pause[0.02]; pr++, pr],
>     Dynamic@
>      Switch[sw, True, "Calculating...", False, "Finished.", _,
>       "Standing by."]}}]
> Cheers
> Patrick

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