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Re: Intersection of sublists on date and making a 2D list from a 3D

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg109928] Re: Intersection of sublists on date and making a 2D list from a 3D
  • From: Garapata <warsaw95826 at>
  • Date: Sun, 23 May 2010 03:17:31 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <ht7nbh$psj$>

A friend working serendipitously on a very similar problem got a step
of the solution from Wolfram Support (credit where credit's due, they
seem to have made some real improvements over there).

Anyway, since I have unique dates within each of the groups described
in my original post I can use Part to pull out all of the dates,
something like this:

groupDates = list[[All,All, 3]]

Then I can use this elegant solution via Wolfram support:

datesIntersection = Apply[Intersection, groupDates]

Doesn't get me all the way to what I need, but looks like a good

Remember I still need to get to this (from my original post):

I'd like to find all the rows that intersect on the same dates and put
the whole thing into a 2 dimensional structure that
would have the following columns:

commonDates, group1Data1, group1Data2, group2Data1, group2Data2,
group3Data1, group3Data2

So any help still very much appreciated.


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