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Re: SQLExecute with an argument

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg109926] Re: SQLExecute with an argument
  • From: Jagra <jagra24891 at>
  • Date: Sun, 23 May 2010 03:17:09 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <ht7nbr$pss$>

I don't know what happened in my earlier post for it to have picked up
a bunch of extraneous characters that confuse the issue.  Unable to
edit an earlier post, I've reentered it below, hoping it will come
through without the extra characters....

A bit simplified but I hope this explains my problem...

This works:

SQLExecute[conn,"SELECT column1, FROM table1 WHERE dateColumn

But I'd like to make the date ('2007-02-15') a parameter.  I've tried

SQLExecute[conn,"SELECT column1, FROM table1 WHERE dateColumn
>='`1`'","2007-02-15" ];

and a whole variety of other combinations like:

SQLExecute[conn,"SELECT column1, FROM table1 WHERE dateColumn >='`1`'",
{"2007-02-15"} ];

and this:

SQLExecute[conn,"SELECT column1, FROM table1 WHERE dateColumn
>='`1`'", SQLArgument[{"2007-02-15"}] ];

and this:

SQLExecute[conn,"SELECT column1, FROM table1WHERE dateColumn >='`1`'",
DateList["2007-02-15"] ];

BUT I can't seem to figure it out.  Any suggestions or guidelines
beyond the documentation?
Perplexed but hopeful.
Thanks a lot.

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