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Data Array Recursive Functioning

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg121027] Data Array Recursive Functioning
  • From: Jason Sidabras <jason.sidabras at>
  • Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2011 05:48:42 -0400 (EDT)
  • Delivered-to:


Relatively new with advanced Mathematica functional programming so I
was hoping I can get some help here.

I have a set of DataLists:

Data = {DataList1, DataList2,...}

Each list is 4096 points long and they *should* overlap at the 412th

Data[[2,412]]=Data[[3,1]] and so on, but because of the measurement
tools they may be off.

When the data was only 412 long it was easy:

Data[[i]]= (Data[[i-1,412]]-Data[[i,1]])+Data[[i]];

would vertically shift the points, then padding each DataList by 412
would align all of the lists together.

In the case of 4096 the issue is the previous vertical shift moves all
of the points, so what is needed is for each "for" loop, the newest
Data should be loaded, not the Data that was loaded in the beginning
of the "for" loop.

I have been playing with FoldList and Map but I am pretty new at those
powerful features.

Any help would be appreciated.

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