Re: Maximisation question
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg126560] Re: Maximisation question
- From: Bob Hanlon <hanlonr357 at>
- Date: Sat, 19 May 2012 05:44:32 -0400 (EDT)
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- References: <>
I'm guessing that you meant 100 <= i < 0 rather than 100 <= f(i) < 0 f[n_] := PDF[BinomialDistribution[100, .1], n] Maximize[{f[j], 0 < j <= 100}, j, Integers] {0.131865, {j -> 10}} Maximize[{f[j], 0 < j <= 100, Element[j, Integers]}, j] {0.131865, {j -> 10}} If f and cons are linear or polynomial, Maximize will always find a global maximum. In cases where Maximize only finds a local maxima, you can use an exhaustive search. data = Table[{n, f[n]}, {n, 0, 100}]; Select[data, #[[2]] == Max[data[[All, 2]]] &] {{10, 0.131865}} Bob Hanlon On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 5:23 AM, J.Jack.J. <jack.j.jepper at> wrote: > For any integer j, suppose we have a function f(j). Then how would I > find the highest f(i) such that 100 <= f(i) <0 ? > With thanks in advance. >
- References:
- Maximisation question
- From: "J.Jack.J." <>
- Maximisation question