Re: how to add graphics options in a plot which is already produced and has a manipulator
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg126668] Re: how to add graphics options in a plot which is already produced and has a manipulator
- From: "djmpark" <djmpark at>
- Date: Wed, 30 May 2012 04:09:21 -0400 (EDT)
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- References: <8042653.8084.1338285425344.JavaMail.root@m06>
It's a bit difficult for me to understand what your overall objective is here but enough to perhaps give a few tips and examples. 1) You seem to be using the PopupWindow to display the parameter value in the plot. This seems an extravagant use of a PopupWindow. Better to display it directly, say by using a "Labeled" slider. 2) A dynamic presentation always requires a fixed background. If a plot or curve is varying with the parameter a and the PlotRange is also varying then it has a rather disorienting effect. This often happens for Mathematica users because they are unaware, or forget, that unless they explicitly specify a PlotRange, Mathematica picks one according to what it thinks are the interesting portions of the plot and this varies as the parameter varies. 3) Frame plots are generally better than Axis plots because they keep the Axis, tick marks and labels off of the data. The data is always the most important thing and other plot elements should not interfere with it. WRI leads users into this trap because Axis plots are usually the default. If you look at technical journals you will seldom see an Axis plot where an axis lies over the data. The following is a simpler Manipulate that takes these items into account: Manipulate[ DiscretePlot[Sin[a t], {t, 0, 2 Pi, Pi/6}, ExtentSize -> Right, ImageSize -> 500, AspectRatio -> .2, Frame -> True, PlotRange -> {-1.2, 1.2}], {a, 1, 30, Appearance -> "Labeled", ControlPlacement -> Bottom}] Sometimes it is easier to compose a dynamic presentation by bypassing Manipulate and writing a direct DynamicModule. Here you could have more control over the format of the display by using Column and Row constructs. It is also easier when you want to compute and use secondary dynamic variables from the primary dynamic variables - those directly set by controls. So here is a routine that generates a DynamicModule display of the type you have, with the function and title as input parameters: plotDisplay[func_, title_String] := DynamicModule[{a = 1}, Column[ {Style[title, 16, FontFamily -> "Times"], Dynamic@DiscretePlot[func[a t], {t, 0, 2 Pi, Pi/6}, ExtentSize -> Right, ImageSize -> 500, AspectRatio -> .2, Frame -> True, PlotRange -> {-1.1, 1.1}], Row[{ "a", Spacer[10], Slider[Dynamic[a], {1, 30}, Appearance -> "Labeled"]}] (* Row *) }](* Column *) ] The following then creates a TabView of four different plots of this type. TabView[{ Sin -> plotDisplay[Sin, "Discrete Plot for Sin Function"], Cos -> plotDisplay[Cos, "Discrete Plot for Cos Function"], Sin^2 -> plotDisplay[Sin[#]^2 &, "Discrete Plot for \!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(Sin\), \(2\)]\) \ Function"], Cos^2 -> plotDisplay[Cos[#]^2 &, "Discrete Plot for \!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(Cos\), \(2\)]\) \ Function"]}] David Park djmpark at From: Jennifer [mailto:ptewari786 at] Hi all, I am novice to mathematica and stuck into one problem i.e. how can I add graphics option to an already made plot which has a manipulator to control itself. s = Manipulate[ PopupWindow[ Graphics[ DiscretePlot[Sin[a t], {t, 0, 2 Pi, Pi/6}, ExtentSize -> Full, ImageSize->Scaled[1], AspectRatio -> .2]], {a}], OpenerView[{"Vertical", Control[{{a, 1, "Manipulator"}, 1, 30}]}], ControlPlacement -> Bottom]] Now I want to add a plot Label by calling the already produced plot s.Because I dont want the duplication of code again as I have to use 4 more different plots in a popupmenu. For eg. when I select s from popupmenu then it should give the output t t= Show[ s, PlotLabel->"Popup Window Plot"] but this is showing error "Show::gtype: Manipulate is not a type of graphics"