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Re: Work on Basic Mathematica Stephen!

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg130842] Re: Work on Basic Mathematica Stephen!
  • From: "Ernst H.K. Stelzer" <ernst.stelzer at>
  • Date: Mon, 20 May 2013 05:03:52 -0400 (EDT)
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This is a very good suggestion.  Stackexchange addresses this issue to a certain extent, particulalrly when questioneers and answerees continue to edit their questions/answers and point to the most complete answer.  However, the editors are very sensitive to to simply providing the code for a reasonable problem if it is not phrased as a question, which I appreciate and do not wish to discuss here.

Whenever I find interesting code here on mathgroup or on Stackexchange I copy it into one of my MathGroupTippsAndTricks notebooks and make sure it is in a format I will understand months or years later.  However, this concept fails once the notebooks contain too many dynamic entries and become excessively large.

I have also started to write more complete packages (.m) with comments and full names.  But how do I share them with the community?

There are also many sites for C-programmers looking for snippets of various kinds, but I have yet to come across one that can be searched ...

I agree with Paul, sharing notebooks, functions and code-snippets is a very serious task where Wolfram has to make an effort and either do it themselves or via supporting the community and where a good search functionality is absolutely essential.  The demonstrations project is by no means sufficient, particulalrly since it does not allow code that imports and exports data.



(possibly quite short, since sent via Outlook Web Access)

Prof. Dr. Ernst H.K. Stelzer
Physikalische Biologie/Physical Biology (FB 15, IZN)
Buchmann Institute for Molecular Life Sciences (BMLS)
Centre of Excellence Macromeolecular Complexes (CEF-MC)
Goethe Universit=E4t Frankfurt am Main (Campus Riedberg)
Max-von-Laue Stra=DFe 15
D-60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
From: paulmchale7 at [paulmchale7 at]
Sent: 19 May 2013 11:51
To: mathgroup at
Subject: [mg130842] Re: Work on Basic Mathematica Stephen!

Another "missing item" is  There are many functions people write that would be amazing useful to others but will never be shared. I have shared some potential toolbox entries here like a function that receives evenly spaced time/data pairs and returns FFT in terms of Hz.  Handy to have laying around.  I started a Toolbox.nb that I refer to often.  It would be great to have an "open source" sharing mechanism to have the community support each other.  Some of the things in my toolbox:

1. Cool graphing functions with very simple legends
2. Canned functions for unique file formats
3. Easier ways to measure time than Timing[]
4. Database access routines
5. Initialization stuff
6. Functions to communicate over Ethernet
7. Functions to talk to external COTS test equipment

It would be cool to have a community place to store and share this stuff.  Like a sourceforge model for Mathematica.  Peer reviewed notebooks or external applications to extend Mathematica.

Any chance of this?


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