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Power Mac vs. Pentium / Sparc 10 Performance

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg781] Power Mac vs. Pentium / Sparc 10 Performance
  • From: domokos at[] (Marius)
  • Date: Wed, 19 Apr 1995 00:25:49 -0400
  • Organization: University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA

Hello Everybody!!

In my own tests, I have concluded that a PowerMac 8100/80 surpasses a
Sparc 10 station in performance. The difference is actually dramatic,
at least for my expectations. For a complex program involving a series
of loops + numerical and symbolic computations, + integration, + compiled
and regular functions, the PowerMac always ran faster, by far.
Could anybody confirm this? I know that Apple introduced the 8100/80
by proving that it could beat the Sparc 10 in 3D graphycs rendering.

How about the Pentiums? I would expect the PowerMac 6100 to be faster than
a 90MHz Pentium. Is it true?

Thank you.

Frank Domokos

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