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  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg40094] UnitStep
  • From: guillerm at (Guillermo Sanchez)
  • Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2003 03:32:57 -0500 (EST)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Dear friend, 
I want build a function where f(t) = 1 in intervals {{0, d}, {a +d , a
+ 2 d}, {2 a+2 d, 2 a + 3 d}, {3 a + 3d, 3 a + 4 d}, ...{(n-1) (a+d) ,
(n-1) a + n d}} and f(t) = 0  in intervals {{d, a+d}, {a + 2 d, 2 a +
2 d}, {2 a + 3 d, 3 a + 3d}, ....,{(n-1) a + n d, n a + n d}}

I apply UnipStep as follow
f[j_, a_, d_] := UnitStep[Product[t - n*(a + d), {n, 0, j +
1}]*Product[t - (n*(a + d) + d), {n, 0, j}]]

But I suposse anyone will be a better idea.

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