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Re: Table of Contents in Publicon?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg50639] Re: Table of Contents in Publicon?
  • From: "Pierrick Mellerin" <pierrick.mellerin.ENLEVER-CECI at>
  • Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2004 01:49:46 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <chro4v$4va$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


there is no solution for creating TOC (\tableofcontents in LaTeX) in the
Publicon's v1.0. As for the support team, they might offer an interim device
for this as a web update. They plan to include a number of project oriented
feature in version 2 : indexing tools, TOC generation (across multiple
and a project management interface.


"Stefan Larsson" <last at> wrote in message
news:chro4v$4va$1 at
| I could not find a dedicated group for Publicon and I thought
| comp.soft-sys.math.mathematica seemed to be the closest, please
| redirect me if this is off-topic...
| I've recently started using Publicon 1.0.0 and have not been able to
| find any way to create a table of content in the beginning of the
| The only thing I've found out about the subject is the following, which
| doesn't make anything more clear to me...
| Also, do anyone know if it is possible to create an index at the end of
| the document?  However, the bibliography worked like charm.
| /Stefan Larsson

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