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Re: DirectedInfinity[1 + I], why does it get replaced by (1 + I)/(sqrt(2) ?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg55814] Re: DirectedInfinity[1 + I], why does it get replaced by (1 + I)/(sqrt(2) ?
  • From: dh <dh at>
  • Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2005 05:09:53 -0400 (EDT)
  • References: <d3041u$ndm$>
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Hi Matt,
Mathematica gives a direction. I makes sense to specify a direction by a 
unit vector (length==1);
Sincerely, Daniel

Matt wrote:
> Hello,
>   This isn't particularly important probably, however, I am trying to
> learn as much about Mathematica as possible, and I thought this might
> shed some light on a 'Why Mathematica does this or that' principle.
>   I'm working my way through 'The Mathematica Guidebook for
> Programming' and on page 177, he gives an example as follows:
> In[39]:= DirectedInfinity[1 + I] DirectedInfinity[I]
> Out[39]:= DirectedInfinity[-(1 - I)/sqrt(2)]
> That puzzled me a bit, so I decided to see what Mathematica would do
> with just the first part:
> In[40]:= DirectedInfinity[1 + I]
> Out[40]:= DirectedInfinity[(1 + I)/sqrt(2)]
> I realize that (1 + I)/sqrt(2) is in the same direction as (1 + I), but
> why did Mathematica change it to the more 'strange' form?
> Thanks,
> Matt

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