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Re: Re: Recommendations for a programming book?

> I think you are a bit hard.

Well, you may be right.

Did the code work for you? How long did it take to generate all the help files?


On Sun, 10 Apr 2005 23:07:16 -0400 (EDT), <tt at> wrote:

> I think you are a bit hard. There is only one input to generate by
> clicking on it somewhere in the file, otherwise, everything is
> generated automatically by executing the cells. There are no
> congratulations to receive to end up with a working help file.
> I am simply impressed by how much you get by buying  only one of these
> books. And now that on top of this Michael provides us with a notebook
> to generate the help files while explaining all the way what happens,
> I can simply be more impressed than I was when I got my first
> guidebook. These books were simply what I was personnally waiting for
> to use Mathematica in a more efficient way.
> Cordially.
> GL
> On Sun, 10 Apr 2005 10:58:50 +0000 (UTC), DrBob <drbob at>
> wrote:
>> Subsection 8.2 (not 8.3) of Appendix B is somewhere near 30 pages of ins=
> tructions and code, with many caveats about speed and memory. Congratulat=
> ions to anyone who can get through all of it.
>> It would be far more "helpful" if the help files were already built for =
> us.
>> Bobby
>> On Sat, 9 Apr 2005 03:55:26 -0400 (EDT), <mtrott at> wrote:
>>> J=E1nos wrote:
>>>> Can you show, how to include the material from Michael's DVDs into
>>>> the Help of Mathematica, just as Wolfram's book is shown there ?
>>> A few people asked me this question over the last few month.
>>> While I think that consecutive first-time reading is easier in the
>>> notebooks as they come by default with the GuideBooks, after reading
>>> one might want to put the GuideBooks notebooks in the help browser
>>> for easy look-up of terms. So I added a section to the GuideBooks
>>> how this can be done.
>>> Subsection 8.3 from the Appendix B (downloadable from
>>> has all the code needed to put the GuideBooks in the
>>> help browser. The GuideBooks will show up under Add-ond&Links
>>> and all index entries of the GuideBooks will be recognized as
>>> search terms in the help browser.
>>> Michael

DrBob at

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