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question on Plot and Show plus Axis Labels:

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg72555] question on Plot and Show plus Axis Labels:
  • From: Gopinath Venkatesan <gopinathv at>
  • Date: Sat, 6 Jan 2007 23:43:10 -0500 (EST)

Objective: to plot several graphs in a single plot as well as use labels for axis, and different colors or dashing and other styles for individual plots to distinguish. What I want to know is what are the graphic format commands that would work with the command "Show" (because I tried RotateLabel and its not working with Show). Or please read the below for more details. 

I have y0, y, y1, and y2 as a list of values, and first I tried to plot all these list values using Plot (by default Plot function increments the x by fractions but in my case it is integer, like x={0,1,..10}; It didn't work. So I tried with ListPlot. 

p0 = ListPlot[Thread[y0, x], PlotJoined -> True]
p = ListPlot[Thread[y, x], PlotJoined -> True]
p1 = ListPlot[Thread[y1, x], PlotJoined -> True]
p2 = ListPlot[Thread[y2, x], PlotJoined -> True]
Show[p0, p, p1, p2, AxesLabel -> {"x-value", "y-value"}, RotateLabel -> True]

And I used Show to plot all of them in a plot and tried to label the axis. 

1. Problem is RotateLabel is not working with Show.
2. If I use a longer text label for axes (without RotateLabel option), the plot size gets smaller and text is as big as plots. Some scaling operation need to be done. no clue how to do this. Or should I change the font size of the text. I prefer not to change the text font size and keep the plot unscaled.

Please share your suggestions and any examples. Thanks

Gopinath Venkatesan
Graduate Student
University of Oklahoma

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