Re: Can Mathematica do this?
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg79401] Re: Can Mathematica do this?
- From: dimitris <dimmechan at>
- Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 05:25:32 -0400 (EDT)
- References: <f86r72$pe8$>
On 25 , 09:39, "Peter Hensen" <peter_hen... at> wrote: > Can Mathematica do this? > You plug in a complex-valued function, it gives you all the poles of the > function on the complex plane automatically... If Mathematica could do anything what would be the role of the mind? Just press Shift+Enter? Mathematica (or CAS in general) is a tool for helping you doing mathematics (as well other things!). But CERTAINLY is not replecement for your brain! As far as I know there is not such a capability in Mathematica (at least in versions prior to 6) through the use of a specific built in function or via loading a relevant package. But the very thing is that you can surely use the incredible symbolic/graphical/numerical capabilities of Mathematica and as well your knowledge in complex analysis in order to deal with a great many complex functions. The outstanding Micheal Trott Guidebooks may have relevant material but I didn't have the time to search on my own. Visit their web page here [BTW, as we read in the news section: ...the plan is to have updated editions of the GuideBooks in Summer 2008... Great news!] In fact, because what you have asked is what surely many people would like, I think it a good idea to search in the archives of MathSource for relevant packages in In another CAS (due to the policy of this forum I can't mention its name; It is the major competitor of Mathematica in the commercial CAS area) there is one nice function called FunctionAdvisor #Below there is code from this CAS# FunctionAdvisor(); The usage is as follows: > FunctionAdvisor( topic, function, ... ); where 'topic' indicates the subject on which advice is required, 'function' is the name of a (the other CAS) function, and '...' represents possible additional input depending on the 'topic' chosen. To list the possible topics: > FunctionAdvisor( topics ); A short form usage, > FunctionAdvisor( function ); with just the name of the function is also available and displays a summary of information about the function. #some examples follows now# FunctionAdvisor(branch_cuts,arcsec); [arcsec(z), z in RealRange(Open(-1), Open(0)), z in RealRange(Open(0), Open(1))] FunctionAdvisor(singularities,tan); / z \ [tan(z), z = infinity + infinity I, |---- - 1/2|::integer] \ Pi / But as far as I understand it cannot deal with user's function; for example the following returns error message: FunctionAdvisor(singularities,tan(x)/x); Error, (in generic_Topic["singularities","singularities"]) invalid input: generic_Topic[singularities,singularities] expects its 1st argument, SF, to be of type {function, string, symbol}, but received tan(x)/x But not being a specialist for the other CAS (in fact I can't claim this thing for Mathematica either!) I can't be sure if in the other CAS there is such a cabability like that you asked for. In fact in another forum I have post a question about exactly this thing! See here HTH, Dimitris S. Anagnostou PS1) At the very last moment I saw that you asked the same question in another forum (specialized for the CAS I didn't mention its name in the main part of my reply. Seeing the response you got I think that what you asked for is not possible neither in the other CAS through a single command. PS2) As a I said you can avoid the use of your complex analysis knowledge!