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Re: Re: MathPlayer???

Will MathReader work OK with 6.0 notebooks??

Does pdf export from Mathematica 6.0 embed the Mathematica fonts in the 
file?  If so, why should there be a problem?  (Times?)  If not, the 
receiver of your file could, I presume, resort to the following ruse: 
download and install Mathematica Player.  Copy the installed TrueType 
Mathematica fonts to somewhere else.  Uninstall Mathematica Player. 
Copy back the Mathematica fonts.  Silly, yes; works, I think so!

Urijah Kaplan wrote:
> Well, I've been burned sending pdfs that look fine on my computer but look 
> terrible on another (font issues and whatnot). Page breaks aren't that 
> great either. Mathreader also allows you to resize the text to some degree 
> (not just zoom in.) Sometimes things don't line up exactly as I expect 
> them to either. Are any of these deal-breakers? No.
> A little digging revealed to me that you can still download Mathreader
> hopefully Wolfram will allow that to stay up there for anyone who still 
> needs/wants it.
>            --Urijah
> Murray Eisenberg wrote:
>> So just export the notebook to pdf and send that!  Except for not being 
>> able to open/close cell groups when reading the file in Acrobat (or 
>> other pdf reader), that should be just as good as Mathreader, no?
>> Urijah Kaplan wrote:
>>> Of course, I understand that. But the fact remains that it is also 
>>> supposed to replace Mathreader as a static notebook reader, in which case 
>>> it seems a bit overkill. It's now more unlikely for me to send someone a 
>>> .nb file and tell them to download MathReader, particularly if I don't 
>>> know if they have dial-up or not. At the very least more care should be 
>>> expended to make the download smaller--just using 7-Zip (LZMA) compression 
>>> would reduce the download by 40%! Perhaps there can be a "minimal" and 
>>> "max" download where the min primarily reads .nb files and max reads .nbp 
>>> files, and the "min" can dynamically download whatever files it needs to 
>>> playback that particular .nbp program.
>>> I realize I'm being an ungrateful wretch, since Mathplayer is far, far, 
>>> more powerful than MathReader was; still...
>>>           --Urijah
>>> Murray Eisenberg wrote:
>>>> But you're not getting just a front end to read static notebooks. 
>>>> You're getting a run-time system, too, for .nbp files.
>>>> Urijah Kaplan wrote:
>>>>>> It doesn't give me a warm feeling though that the Player installer evidently
>>>>>> doesn't install an uninstaller nor does it give Windows enough information
>>>>>> to register it in Control Panel>Add/Remove Programs.
>>>>>> If my life and/or career depended on my ability to run Mathematica, I'd give
>>>>>> it a day or two before installing Player on my 'A' machine.
>>>>>> Fred Klingener
>>>>> Also, for something that's supposed to replace MathReader from what I 
>>>>> understand, the download is rather hefty. (79.9 MB) I managed to 
>>>>> recompress it to 47.9 MB with 7-Zip, which would be a good start.

Murray Eisenberg                     murray at
Mathematics & Statistics Dept.
Lederle Graduate Research Tower      phone 413 549-1020 (H)
University of Massachusetts                413 545-2859 (W)
710 North Pleasant Street            fax   413 545-1801
Amherst, MA 01003-9305

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