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Re: Visualization of a list of 3D points coordinates with

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg89319] Re: [mg89296] Visualization of a list of 3D points coordinates with
  • From: Bob Hanlon <hanlonr at>
  • Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2008 00:44:52 -0400 (EDT)
  • Reply-to: hanlonr at

data = RandomReal[{0, 1}, {10, 3}];

index = 2;(* 1 for x, 2 for y, 3 for z *)

minPtSize = 4;
maxPtSize = 8;
hueMin = .5;
hueMax = 1.;
valMin = Min[data[[All, index]]];
valMax = Max[data[[All, index]]];
d = valMax - valMin;

     AbsolutePointSize[(maxPtSize - minPtSize) (#[[index]] - valMin)/
         d + minPtSize],
     Hue[(hueMax - hueMin) (#[[index]] - valMin)/d + hueMin],
     Point[#]} & /@ data],
 Axes -> True,
 BoxRatios -> {1., 1., 0.4}]

Bob Hanlon

---- Alexei Boulbitch <Alexei.Boulbitch at> wrote: 
> Dear MathGroup members,
> I have a list containing 3D coordinates of a number of points, like this one
> lst={{3.30414, -2.86064, -2.54648}, {4.06572, 3.80403,
>    1.68897}, {-1.72822, -2.03097, -4.1024}, ...}
> I would like to visualize them by plotting them. To plot them as a set 
> of points may be trivially done by say, ListPointPlot3D. Alternatively, 
> it may be visualized as a set of spheres with unit radius and centered 
> in the points specified by the list, e.g. in the point {3.30414, 
> -2.86064, -2.54648}, in {4.06572, 3.80403, 1.68897} etc.
> Now comes the question. I would like to do it in such a way that the 
> size (and may be the color) of each point or sphere would depend upon 
> one of the coordinates (say, y). In other words, the size and the of the 
> first point specified by lst with y=-2.86064 would be smaller than that 
> of the second point that has y=3.80403. The color or darkness may also 
> depend upon y. This would give a feeling of a perspective.
> Do you have an idea of how to do this?
> Best, Alexei
> -- 
> Alexei Boulbitch, Dr., habil.
> Senior Scientist
> IEE S.A.
> Material Development,
> ZAE Weiergewan
> 11, rue Edmond Reuter,
> L-5326 Contern,
> Luxembourg
> Tel.: +352 2454-2566
> Fax:  +352 2454-3566
> e-mail: alexei.boulbitch at
> --
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