Re: Which editor do you use for math articles
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg95549] Re: Which editor do you use for math articles
- From: AES <siegman at>
- Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2009 06:46:57 -0500 (EST)
- Organization: Stanford University
- References: <> <gkscfe$eet$> <gl4a03$gah$>
> > Then Blue Sky, the company > > that makes Textures, failed to come up with a Mac OS X compatible > > version and most users reluctantly drifted away to other programs. But = > > > if you look mailing lists where TeX on Mac OS is discussed you will > > find that many are intending to return (even though it will cost them > > money) as soon as a full featured version is again available. Which > > only proves that standard, free implementations of TeX are far form > > the sort of thing some make them out to be. I strongly recommend you > > to try TeX, but I suspect you will be soon back to using Mathematica As an intensive user of Textures from its beginning right up to its (apparent) end a few years back, I fully agree that Textures was an absolutely superb, almost unbelievably good implementation of TeX for the Mac up through OS 9. Wanting to be able to continuing using Textures in fact kept me on OS 9 after OS X came out for far longer than I should have stayed with it. I also fully agree that whatever has been going on with Blue Sky and Textures since then seems to be weird, garbled, bizarre, and sad (perhaps even more so than some of the weird and bizarre aspects of Wolfram and Mathematica since Version 5). But as someone who eventually made the transition to the TeXLive and TeXShop implementation of TeX for the Mac that's distributed on CDs to members of TUG (requiring only the very modest dues that TUB charges), I can also attest that this implementation is also really quite good, not too painful to get installed and running, and then perfectly usable. The skilled volunteers who assemble this CD could still benefit from a few lessons in how to prepare simple, clear and helpful instructions and user documentation, especially for new or novice users. But their documentation failings are nothing like the documentation idiocies in those areas that Mathematica now seems trapped in.
- References:
- Which editor do you use for math articles
- From: TL <>
- Which editor do you use for math articles