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Re: package construction

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg117975] Re: package construction
  • From: "E. Martin-Serrano" <eMartinSerrano at>
  • Date: Thu, 7 Apr 2011 08:03:51 -0400 (EDT)

In "Programming in Mathematica" Maeder not only provides the package
template  (I think that for many years the template was a part of the
Mathematica  standard shipping, not in V8, I could not find it). In his
book,  R. Maeder also gave a step by step explanation of what takes place in
the contexts structure  when a package is loaded. Good to understand the
context mechanism. 

E. Martin-Serrano

-----Mensaje original-----
De: Bill Rowe [mailto:readnews at]
Enviado el: mi=E9rcoles, 06 de abril de 2011 11:13
Para: mathgroup at
Asunto: [mg117964] Re: package construction

On 4/5/11 at 6:45 AM, jackgold at (Jack L Goldberg 1) wrote:

>Something puzzles me. (Actually, a lot puzzles me but thats a story for
>my psychologist).  Considering the incredible sophistication of
>Mathematica, why is it so mysteriously hard for a beginner to write a
>package and store it properly so that it can by accessed as easily as
>built-n packages?

It has never seemed difficult to me to create a package. But I will note,
when I first created packages I did not create them using Mathematica.
Instead, I used a separate text editor to write the code and save the result
as a .m file. It was much later when I transferred those first packages into
a notebook and started maintaining them and creating new packages within

>Has anyone put there mind to develop a template to make this stuff

Roman Maeder wrote a couple of books about creating packages for Mathematica
(Programming In Mathematica and the Mathematica Programmer). In one of them
(Programming in Mathematica I think) he provides a package template. Note,
these books were published circa 1996-1997. So, the reflect a much earlier
version of Mathematica. But details of how to create a package haven't
changed. The only thing changed is the current front end provides several
features making it more attractive to use Mathematica as the tool to create
packages than it was when these books were published.

Also, I don't recall whether I had tried to create a package for myself
prior to buying Maeder's books. It is entirely possible I only did so after
buying those books and following Maeder's guidelines. And that may well be
the reason I never found it difficult to create packages.

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