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Re: CDF browser plugin and Wolfram library archive

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg118080] Re: CDF browser plugin and Wolfram library archive
  • From: Murray Eisenberg <murray at>
  • Date: Tue, 12 Apr 2011 05:54:40 -0400 (EDT)

But the difficulty remains that now with a Demonstration, you don't have 
any choice as to whether to view it in the browser or download it: you 
MUST first view it in the browser (if you have the plug-in) and only 
then can opt to download it.

On 4/11/2011 7:07 AM, George Woodrow III wrote:
> The performance of the plug-in in Safari is acceptable -- pretty good once the plug-in has loaded, actually.
> It is a matter of taste, but I find it useful when looking at demonstrations from the wolfram site. With previous versions, I would end up downloading promising files that turned out to be less than expected.
> For anything else, I usually just want to download the file. Fortunately, the plug-in is easy to turn off in Safari.
> george
> On Apr 9, 2011, at 5:58 PM, Helen Read wrote:
>> On 4/9/2011 7:13 AM, George Woodrow III wrote:
>>> I agree that it is not user-friendly -- mostly a wast of time to load the file in the browser when all you want it to save it.
>>> george
>> Maybe I'm missing something, but I'm so far not really seeing the point
>> of the browser plug-in. It is extremely slow for the plug-in to start up
>> and open a file in the browser, often to the point of hanging or even
>> crashing Firefox. And I don't really get why I would ever want to open a
>> .nb in the browser, when I have Mathematica installed. I'd like to
>> download the file or open it directly in Mathematica. For people with
>> the Player only, I can see opening up files in the browser plug-in, or I
>> suppose if people start commonly embedding CDFs into a webpage (a la
>> embedded Flash video), but other than that, I don't get it.
>> I have set the .nb file action in Firefox back to the old behavior of
>> opening the file in Mathematica on most of my computers. It's still set
>> to open .nb files in the browser plug-in on our classroom computers, and
>> I see the students getting annoyed when they forget to do a right-click
>> Save Link As, and end up with the file opening up -- very slowly -- in
>> Firefox. We might change the setting the next time we re-image the
>> classrooms, but I fear it will sow confusion when students are working
>> on their own laptops (which will by default open .nb's in the browser
>> plug-in).
>> --
>> Helen Read
>> University of Vermont

Murray Eisenberg                     murray at
Mathematics & Statistics Dept.
Lederle Graduate Research Tower      phone 413 549-1020 (H)
University of Massachusetts                413 545-2859 (W)
710 North Pleasant Street            fax   413 545-1801
Amherst, MA 01003-9305

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